JAN 4, 2020
Hello Board: This reflects changes and corrections made by Sandy, Betty and Sue. Thanks, it's much appreciation. Carolyn
Board of Directors Meeting
Neighborhood House
January 3, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chairman; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Kathy McCulloch and Carolyn Raz, Co Secretaries; Joe Leben, Curriculum Chair; LD Smith, Facilities; Duane Ray, Publications; Betty Woods, Membership; Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Sandy Foran, Past Chair; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large; Marti Summer, Member at Large
Members Absent: Paul Buchner, Webmaster; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Peggy Keonjian, Engagement Chair
9:15 am - Chairman Don Steury called the meeting to order.
Treasurer's Report: No copies of the Treasurer's Report were distributed, though are available upon request. This will apply to future Board meetings.
Sue Bowers reported the assets totaled $15,000 in the PCC Foundation Accounts, plus $4,000 in the SSI checking account. All of SSI's money will eventually go into an account with the PCC Foundation. (Income, checks made out to the PCC Foundation, is already being funneled into the PCC Foundation/SSI account.) Because PCC accounting rules won't allow SSI to have a petty cash account, it was decided to keep the $4,000 currently in the SSI bank account available for miscellaneous small expenses until the account is depleted. When the money is gone, Sue will have to fill out a form for each expense and submit to PCC for approval and payment.
Facility Donations: It is time to consider donations to facilities used by SSI. Sue researched past payments and it was agreed to make the same donation amounts this year.
Membership Report: Betty Woods reported that, as of January 3, 2020, there were:
Lifetime Memberships: 10
Continuous Members 279
New Members 43
Total Membership 332
Since the last report, one member has died and another wanted her dues refunded.
Winter Luncheon: Kathy McCulloch reported that only 64 members have RSVP'd for the luncheon. Also, the invitation had stated that the restaurant opened at 11:30 am. However, she has since learned that the time is 11:00 am. Marti will send the correction to the membership.
Newsletter: Marti Summer passed out copies of a comprehensive, well thought out list of agenda items for the newsletters, as well as a job description and expectations for the newsletter editor.
Marti needs items for a given newsletter by Thursday noon for distribution on Friday. Those items need to be emailed to [email protected]. She requested that if an item is lengthy, that the sender do a cut and paste and definitely NOT send as an attachment. Also, all items must be SSI related. There are to be no advertisements, jokes or other non-related SSI subjects. Marti wanted to acknowledge all the help she has received from Peggy Keonjian and Betty Woods who have been most helpful by working with her on editing.
A permanent set of guidelines acceptable for the newsletter will be included in the annual Membership Roster.
Constant Contact: Marti distributed a detailed recap sheet from Constant Contact (the company that distributes our mass emails) that records how many emails were sent, how many were opened, whether the recipient was on a desktop computer or mobile phone, and several additional statistics. These stats were for each email that was sent. There was also a comparison of the same statistics of non-profit organizations to SSI. SSI rated highest for reading the emails.
A motion was made by Marti and seconded by LD Smith to approve the newsletter agenda items and schedule as submitted and discussed. Motion unanimously passed.
A motion was made and carried to accept the job description of the newsletter editor as presented.
Thank You to Marti: Betty gave kudos to Marti for all her work to set up the newsletter, the newsletter editor job description and the Constant Contact report. Applause, applause by all.
Newsletter Editor Position: Betty made a motion, seconded by Joe Leben, to make the newsletter editor a Board position. Motion passed.
Newsletter Requests: There have been requests by non members to receive copies of the newsletter. It was agreed that a non member may receive one or two newsletters only, after which they will be invited to join SSI and referred to the application form on the website.
Class Calendar: The classes held at CLIMB (both DVD and lectures) and Neighborhood House adhere to PCC's class schedule. This doesn't always apply to Poetry Reading, Play Reading and Current Events. Some of those remain in session on holidays. David Gaynon
was asked to ascertain the dates those classes will meet and submit those dates to Marti for inclusion in the newsletter.
New Member at Large: Don Steury welcomed Kathy Jackson as the new Member at Large.
Great Courses Plus Subscription: The annual streaming subscription rate for up to ten Great Courses is $175. It was agreed to renew the subscription as the Great Courses classes are very well attended.
PCC Foundation Seminar Invitation: Betty received an email from PCC Foundation to invite the membership to a seminar on estate planning on February 28th. The seminar and lunch are free and will be held at the Sylvania campus. After the seminar, someone will be available for one-on-one consultation to answer specific questions. After discussion and conclusion that this invitation was in compliance with the SSI Constitution, a vote was taken: 9 yeses, 1 abstention and 1 no vote to approve announcement of the invitation in the newsletter.
SSI Archives: There was discussion about existing archives and what does and does not need to be kept as Marti was sent a thumb drive by Duane containing archival material, incluidng photos for the newsletter. Marti gave this thumb drive to Donald at the meeting. Sue said that in the past, financial records were destroyed after three years. Duane said he gave PCC the archives six to eight years ago. He also has the pictures that former member Kathleen Carey took for a couple years.
It was decided to have the secretary(ies) keep copies of the minutes and financial statements.
Don suggested an historian with good computer skills be selected to keep the pictures and stories and have Marti place a notice in the newsletter for a volunteer. Don said more thought needs to be given to the job description and so tabled it for further discussion.
11:30 am - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Carolyn Raz
Hello Board: This reflects changes and corrections made by Sandy, Betty and Sue. Thanks, it's much appreciation. Carolyn
Board of Directors Meeting
Neighborhood House
January 3, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chairman; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Kathy McCulloch and Carolyn Raz, Co Secretaries; Joe Leben, Curriculum Chair; LD Smith, Facilities; Duane Ray, Publications; Betty Woods, Membership; Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Sandy Foran, Past Chair; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large; Marti Summer, Member at Large
Members Absent: Paul Buchner, Webmaster; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Peggy Keonjian, Engagement Chair
9:15 am - Chairman Don Steury called the meeting to order.
Treasurer's Report: No copies of the Treasurer's Report were distributed, though are available upon request. This will apply to future Board meetings.
Sue Bowers reported the assets totaled $15,000 in the PCC Foundation Accounts, plus $4,000 in the SSI checking account. All of SSI's money will eventually go into an account with the PCC Foundation. (Income, checks made out to the PCC Foundation, is already being funneled into the PCC Foundation/SSI account.) Because PCC accounting rules won't allow SSI to have a petty cash account, it was decided to keep the $4,000 currently in the SSI bank account available for miscellaneous small expenses until the account is depleted. When the money is gone, Sue will have to fill out a form for each expense and submit to PCC for approval and payment.
Facility Donations: It is time to consider donations to facilities used by SSI. Sue researched past payments and it was agreed to make the same donation amounts this year.
Membership Report: Betty Woods reported that, as of January 3, 2020, there were:
Lifetime Memberships: 10
Continuous Members 279
New Members 43
Total Membership 332
Since the last report, one member has died and another wanted her dues refunded.
Winter Luncheon: Kathy McCulloch reported that only 64 members have RSVP'd for the luncheon. Also, the invitation had stated that the restaurant opened at 11:30 am. However, she has since learned that the time is 11:00 am. Marti will send the correction to the membership.
Newsletter: Marti Summer passed out copies of a comprehensive, well thought out list of agenda items for the newsletters, as well as a job description and expectations for the newsletter editor.
Marti needs items for a given newsletter by Thursday noon for distribution on Friday. Those items need to be emailed to [email protected]. She requested that if an item is lengthy, that the sender do a cut and paste and definitely NOT send as an attachment. Also, all items must be SSI related. There are to be no advertisements, jokes or other non-related SSI subjects. Marti wanted to acknowledge all the help she has received from Peggy Keonjian and Betty Woods who have been most helpful by working with her on editing.
A permanent set of guidelines acceptable for the newsletter will be included in the annual Membership Roster.
Constant Contact: Marti distributed a detailed recap sheet from Constant Contact (the company that distributes our mass emails) that records how many emails were sent, how many were opened, whether the recipient was on a desktop computer or mobile phone, and several additional statistics. These stats were for each email that was sent. There was also a comparison of the same statistics of non-profit organizations to SSI. SSI rated highest for reading the emails.
A motion was made by Marti and seconded by LD Smith to approve the newsletter agenda items and schedule as submitted and discussed. Motion unanimously passed.
A motion was made and carried to accept the job description of the newsletter editor as presented.
Thank You to Marti: Betty gave kudos to Marti for all her work to set up the newsletter, the newsletter editor job description and the Constant Contact report. Applause, applause by all.
Newsletter Editor Position: Betty made a motion, seconded by Joe Leben, to make the newsletter editor a Board position. Motion passed.
Newsletter Requests: There have been requests by non members to receive copies of the newsletter. It was agreed that a non member may receive one or two newsletters only, after which they will be invited to join SSI and referred to the application form on the website.
Class Calendar: The classes held at CLIMB (both DVD and lectures) and Neighborhood House adhere to PCC's class schedule. This doesn't always apply to Poetry Reading, Play Reading and Current Events. Some of those remain in session on holidays. David Gaynon
was asked to ascertain the dates those classes will meet and submit those dates to Marti for inclusion in the newsletter.
New Member at Large: Don Steury welcomed Kathy Jackson as the new Member at Large.
Great Courses Plus Subscription: The annual streaming subscription rate for up to ten Great Courses is $175. It was agreed to renew the subscription as the Great Courses classes are very well attended.
PCC Foundation Seminar Invitation: Betty received an email from PCC Foundation to invite the membership to a seminar on estate planning on February 28th. The seminar and lunch are free and will be held at the Sylvania campus. After the seminar, someone will be available for one-on-one consultation to answer specific questions. After discussion and conclusion that this invitation was in compliance with the SSI Constitution, a vote was taken: 9 yeses, 1 abstention and 1 no vote to approve announcement of the invitation in the newsletter.
SSI Archives: There was discussion about existing archives and what does and does not need to be kept as Marti was sent a thumb drive by Duane containing archival material, incluidng photos for the newsletter. Marti gave this thumb drive to Donald at the meeting. Sue said that in the past, financial records were destroyed after three years. Duane said he gave PCC the archives six to eight years ago. He also has the pictures that former member Kathleen Carey took for a couple years.
It was decided to have the secretary(ies) keep copies of the minutes and financial statements.
Don suggested an historian with good computer skills be selected to keep the pictures and stories and have Marti place a notice in the newsletter for a volunteer. Don said more thought needs to be given to the job description and so tabled it for further discussion.
11:30 am - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Carolyn Raz