Board of Directors Meeting
Conducted via Zoom
June 12, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chair; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Paul Buchman, Webmaster; Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership
Absent: Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
9:05 a.m. - Zoom meeting called to order by Chair Donald Steury. The Minutes of the May 29, 2020, meeting had been distributed via email. There were no comments or objections to the Minutes.
Membership Report: Betty had earlier submitted the Membership Report as of June 12, 2020, via email:
Lifetime Member . . . . . . . . . . 11
Continuous Members . . . . . . 277
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Total Membership: 348
Treasurer's Report: There was discussion about whether there is a need to bill for dues under the circumstances. Sue reported that we have some finite expenses, such as rent donations, Great Courses fees, Constant Contact, the domain name, and the website, etc. which total close to $12,000. The Zoom classes/meetings cost $14.95 each per host per month. The current budget is $18,000. It was suggested that perhaps the dues be lowered to $30 per person.
Dues: Sue recommended that we maintain the dues rate of $40 per person, or $70 per couple. She fully expects that we will lose some members, particularly those 20 or so people who don't use a computer. It was suggested to promote the Zoom lectures in the newsletter by stating we'll have the ability to attract a wider range of speakers because they won't have to be local. Connie made a motion to maintain the dues at the current level. Seconded by Warren. Motion passed.
Mention needs to be made in the newsletter that the Board is working on solutions to maintain all classes via Zoom.
Zoom Classes
The focus of the meeting was how to continue fall classes via Zoom, as all class locations are closed due to the COVID quarantine. PCC has also declared SSI cannot have face-to-face classes while under their auspices until they reopen. And because PCC has cancelled all in-person classes for the fall term, SSI must follow suit.
Site Coordinators: There was lengthy discussion about having either having a technology advisor at each location in addition to the regular site coordinator plus someone to host the class, versus training all site coordinators to both host and handle any technology issues.
Another issue is the technology knowledge of the speakers to conduct a class. It might mean there needs to be a host and tech advisor in addition to the speaker. Paul Buchman suggested there be a class for the four site coordinators and then have each do a trial run to test their comfort with the system. After contacting the four site coordinators, Joe Leben is the only one who declined to participate.
Connie and Warren volunteered to be trained as both a host and technical advisor. Kathy, JJ and LD will oversee the site coordinator/tech advisors. Warren and Kathy will co-chair to oversee the technology. Warren will also write a concise job description for site coordinators/tech advisors to be put in the newsletter along with mention that the class days and times will remain the same. Paul Hagner and Jim Gradoville volunteered to provide the tech training, though someone else needs to be the coordinator.
Current Events Hosts: There needs to be a limit of 30 for Current Events. It was agreed that SSI just has to accept that the host won't be able to verify who is or isn't a member. The host can also limit participation or put someone on mute.
Class Links: There was discussion about who would send and to whom the links for each class. It was agreed that the links to all classes be sent to all members, except for poetry, play reading, and Great Courses. However, no more than 99 people will be able to participate per class. At this time, classes rarely exceed 40.
Lake Oswego Senior Center Remodel: The LO Senior Center will be closed for a year while undergoing renovation/remodeling. Even when the quarantine ends, hopefully by the end of the year, a temporary location needs to be found for the weekly Current Events until the construction is completed. Apparently, there is no vacant space in any public building in Lake Oswego. In the meantime, Paul Hagner volunteered to set up Zoom for the Lake Oswego Current Events. He needs to get the names and email addresses of the Current Events participants to see if they're interested in continuing via Zoom. He will submit a notice to Marti for placement in the newsletter.
Next Meeting: June 26 at 9:a.m.
10:30 a.m. - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Carolyn Raz, Secretary
Board of Directors Meeting
Conducted via Zoom
June 12, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chair; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Paul Buchman, Webmaster; Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership
Absent: Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
9:05 a.m. - Zoom meeting called to order by Chair Donald Steury. The Minutes of the May 29, 2020, meeting had been distributed via email. There were no comments or objections to the Minutes.
Membership Report: Betty had earlier submitted the Membership Report as of June 12, 2020, via email:
Lifetime Member . . . . . . . . . . 11
Continuous Members . . . . . . 277
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Total Membership: 348
Treasurer's Report: There was discussion about whether there is a need to bill for dues under the circumstances. Sue reported that we have some finite expenses, such as rent donations, Great Courses fees, Constant Contact, the domain name, and the website, etc. which total close to $12,000. The Zoom classes/meetings cost $14.95 each per host per month. The current budget is $18,000. It was suggested that perhaps the dues be lowered to $30 per person.
Dues: Sue recommended that we maintain the dues rate of $40 per person, or $70 per couple. She fully expects that we will lose some members, particularly those 20 or so people who don't use a computer. It was suggested to promote the Zoom lectures in the newsletter by stating we'll have the ability to attract a wider range of speakers because they won't have to be local. Connie made a motion to maintain the dues at the current level. Seconded by Warren. Motion passed.
Mention needs to be made in the newsletter that the Board is working on solutions to maintain all classes via Zoom.
Zoom Classes
The focus of the meeting was how to continue fall classes via Zoom, as all class locations are closed due to the COVID quarantine. PCC has also declared SSI cannot have face-to-face classes while under their auspices until they reopen. And because PCC has cancelled all in-person classes for the fall term, SSI must follow suit.
Site Coordinators: There was lengthy discussion about having either having a technology advisor at each location in addition to the regular site coordinator plus someone to host the class, versus training all site coordinators to both host and handle any technology issues.
Another issue is the technology knowledge of the speakers to conduct a class. It might mean there needs to be a host and tech advisor in addition to the speaker. Paul Buchman suggested there be a class for the four site coordinators and then have each do a trial run to test their comfort with the system. After contacting the four site coordinators, Joe Leben is the only one who declined to participate.
Connie and Warren volunteered to be trained as both a host and technical advisor. Kathy, JJ and LD will oversee the site coordinator/tech advisors. Warren and Kathy will co-chair to oversee the technology. Warren will also write a concise job description for site coordinators/tech advisors to be put in the newsletter along with mention that the class days and times will remain the same. Paul Hagner and Jim Gradoville volunteered to provide the tech training, though someone else needs to be the coordinator.
Current Events Hosts: There needs to be a limit of 30 for Current Events. It was agreed that SSI just has to accept that the host won't be able to verify who is or isn't a member. The host can also limit participation or put someone on mute.
Class Links: There was discussion about who would send and to whom the links for each class. It was agreed that the links to all classes be sent to all members, except for poetry, play reading, and Great Courses. However, no more than 99 people will be able to participate per class. At this time, classes rarely exceed 40.
Lake Oswego Senior Center Remodel: The LO Senior Center will be closed for a year while undergoing renovation/remodeling. Even when the quarantine ends, hopefully by the end of the year, a temporary location needs to be found for the weekly Current Events until the construction is completed. Apparently, there is no vacant space in any public building in Lake Oswego. In the meantime, Paul Hagner volunteered to set up Zoom for the Lake Oswego Current Events. He needs to get the names and email addresses of the Current Events participants to see if they're interested in continuing via Zoom. He will submit a notice to Marti for placement in the newsletter.
Next Meeting: June 26 at 9:a.m.
10:30 a.m. - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Carolyn Raz, Secretary