Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
June 26, 2020
Members Present: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; Donald Steury, Chair; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership
Members Absent: Paul Buchman, Webmaster; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
Treasurer's Report: Sue said a request is usually made for a memorial donation in the name of deceased members. Since no request has been made for either Bob Hume or Max Rhinewine, she was instructed to just do it.
The purpose of the meeting was to further explore the issues regarding continuing SSI classes in the fall via Zoom.
Zoom Account/PCC: PCC will be conducting all the fall classes via Zoom. As a part of PCC, Donald will contact Neal Naigus, the SSI liaison to PCC, to ascertain if SSI could link into the PCC Zoom account.
Zoom Class Trials: Warren suggested that there be trial classes the end of August on a Tuesday and Thursday for both hosts and members. This would allow the hosts to become familiar with the process as well as the members. No decision was made.
Additional Hosts: With up to four classes with speakers, some Current Events classes, one DVD class, one Poetry class and a Play Reading class, a Zoom host with technical knowledge will be needed for each. Marti will put a recruiting notice in the newsletter for additional hosts as well as technical advisors.
New Member Orientation: There was discussion about how to promote a virtual Orientation. In the past, Peggy Keonjian, the former Engagement Chair, placed notices in the PCC Class Catalog and several community newspapers. These were considered community announcements, not paid ads. Marti will check with Peggy on the publications she's used for the announcements. Donald asked for volunteers to write and place the announcements. At the next meeting, it will be decided who will do this.
There could also be online outreach to prospective members if lists with email addresses could be obtained. However, there was no further discussion on where or how to find email lists.
Engagement Chair/Co Chair Job Descriptions: Warren will assist Marti in getting information from Peggy on the specifics of the positions. It was decided that there should also be a co-chair. Marti will place a notice in the newsletter along with the job description as a two-person position.
Curriculum Chair: Some time ago, David Gaynon said he would consider the job if he had a partner to share the position. Kathy Jackson volunteered to be the co-chair. It wasn't decided who would contract David to see if his offer is still valid.
Fall Class Schedule: There was discussion about the need for a schedule hard copy versus online only. It was agreed to continue with the hard copy because there is also other information, such as the snow closure policy, class venues, etc. Members would also be directed to the website for changes. Marti will put the weekly schedule in the newsletter.
Pre Recorded Classes: It was suggested that speakers could record their lectures to be shown as needed and then shown on Zoom. There might be some licensing issues, so it might have to be done via YouTube. It was not clear whether this would be possible.
Accessing Zoom: Duane volunteered to put together a format for members to get onto Zoom.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul Hagner contacted all the Lake Oswego Current Events participants to get an idea of how many would like to continue via Zoom. Of the 22 regulars, only 12 expressed interest in attending via Zoom. A host is still needed. Kathy volunteered to assist Paul in setting up the Zoom feature. Zoom has the capacity to accommodate between 25-30, so the class might have to be limited. Paul wants to get a notice to the Lake Oswego group for a July 1 start date.
The next Board meeting will be July 10 at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
June 26, 2020
Members Present: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; Donald Steury, Chair; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership
Members Absent: Paul Buchman, Webmaster; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
Treasurer's Report: Sue said a request is usually made for a memorial donation in the name of deceased members. Since no request has been made for either Bob Hume or Max Rhinewine, she was instructed to just do it.
The purpose of the meeting was to further explore the issues regarding continuing SSI classes in the fall via Zoom.
Zoom Account/PCC: PCC will be conducting all the fall classes via Zoom. As a part of PCC, Donald will contact Neal Naigus, the SSI liaison to PCC, to ascertain if SSI could link into the PCC Zoom account.
Zoom Class Trials: Warren suggested that there be trial classes the end of August on a Tuesday and Thursday for both hosts and members. This would allow the hosts to become familiar with the process as well as the members. No decision was made.
Additional Hosts: With up to four classes with speakers, some Current Events classes, one DVD class, one Poetry class and a Play Reading class, a Zoom host with technical knowledge will be needed for each. Marti will put a recruiting notice in the newsletter for additional hosts as well as technical advisors.
New Member Orientation: There was discussion about how to promote a virtual Orientation. In the past, Peggy Keonjian, the former Engagement Chair, placed notices in the PCC Class Catalog and several community newspapers. These were considered community announcements, not paid ads. Marti will check with Peggy on the publications she's used for the announcements. Donald asked for volunteers to write and place the announcements. At the next meeting, it will be decided who will do this.
There could also be online outreach to prospective members if lists with email addresses could be obtained. However, there was no further discussion on where or how to find email lists.
Engagement Chair/Co Chair Job Descriptions: Warren will assist Marti in getting information from Peggy on the specifics of the positions. It was decided that there should also be a co-chair. Marti will place a notice in the newsletter along with the job description as a two-person position.
Curriculum Chair: Some time ago, David Gaynon said he would consider the job if he had a partner to share the position. Kathy Jackson volunteered to be the co-chair. It wasn't decided who would contract David to see if his offer is still valid.
Fall Class Schedule: There was discussion about the need for a schedule hard copy versus online only. It was agreed to continue with the hard copy because there is also other information, such as the snow closure policy, class venues, etc. Members would also be directed to the website for changes. Marti will put the weekly schedule in the newsletter.
Pre Recorded Classes: It was suggested that speakers could record their lectures to be shown as needed and then shown on Zoom. There might be some licensing issues, so it might have to be done via YouTube. It was not clear whether this would be possible.
Accessing Zoom: Duane volunteered to put together a format for members to get onto Zoom.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul Hagner contacted all the Lake Oswego Current Events participants to get an idea of how many would like to continue via Zoom. Of the 22 regulars, only 12 expressed interest in attending via Zoom. A host is still needed. Kathy volunteered to assist Paul in setting up the Zoom feature. Zoom has the capacity to accommodate between 25-30, so the class might have to be limited. Paul wants to get a notice to the Lake Oswego group for a July 1 start date.
The next Board meeting will be July 10 at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted,