Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
July 10, 2020
Members Present: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Duane Ray, Publications Chair; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; LD Smith, Facilities Chair; Donald Steury, Chair; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership Chair
Members Absent: Paul Buchman, Web Master; Donna Jackson, Past Chair, Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
Treasurer's Report: Sue said there have been no changes since the last report.
Membership Report: Betty stated the only change from the last report on June 12 was the addition of one member, for a total of 349
The meeting was a continuation of the plans for the fall term via Zoom.
PCC/Zoom Account: Donald made contact with Neal Neagus, the SSI PCC liaison, about PCC allowing SSI to be under the PCC Zoom account. In addition to a cost saving, there should be more security. Donald will let the Board know when he hears from Neal.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul reported that 11 people participated in the most recent class. He hosted the class on a temporary basis and said that there has been a volunteer to learn to be the tech support for the class. However, a permanent host is still needed.
Volunteer Report: So far, 17 people have volunteered to host a class, while 27 have volunteered to be presenters. However, there is a need to recruit more people to host and be tech supports.
Current hosts need to ask for more volunteers. A host and tech support person are needed for each class with the exception of Lake Oswego Current Events that also needs a moderator.
Gail Lissauer is hosting Metro Current Events, Trina Gaynon is hosting Poetry Reading and Pat Opdyke is hosting Play Reading. Pat reported that Play Reading will be every other week rather than weekly due to difficulty getting scripts out to participants. A permanent host for Lake Oswego is still needed. However, Paul Hagner stated he would like to share the hosting responsibilities with at least one other person.
Warren and Kathy will submit a list of those who have volunteered, or expressed an interest in volunteering, to Marti so a personalized newsletter can be sent to each. Sue suggested a follow up to those people with a phone call Jim has volunteer to make those calls. Duane will ask the Metro Current Events group if anyone would be willing to host, though not have to present a class.
Host/Tech Support Presentation: After defining the task requirements, it was suggested a presentation be made via Zoom to potential hosts and tech support people on what the jobs entail. No one volunteered to put together the presentation.
Engagement Update: Marti met with Peggy Keonjian, the former engagement chair, and received a large file on the publication contacts and other information. Marti hasn't had a chance to go through the file. Peggy had to step down from SSI due to significant physical challenges after a surgery. However, Marti felt Peggy might be interested in resuming her position as chair if she had some help. Connie volunteered to transport Peggy to meetings until Peggy is able to drive. Connie also agreed to help Peggy with Engagement duties.
New Member Orientation: As discussed at the last meeting, the New Member Orientation will have to be done virtually. The publication that attracts the most new members is the PCC Fall Catalog. The information needs to be submitted to PCC by July 14. Marti has this blurb ready to send to PCC, but was waiting for possible updates from the Board meeting. Warren will work with Peggy and Connie to get the information on the website and notifications to area community newspapers as soon as possible. The Engagement Chair will be responsible for setting up the orientation.
After lengthy discussion, it was decided that the orientation needs to occur twice because of the Zoom limitation on the number of participants. A recorded presentation, or podcast, possibly done by Peggy, could be shown both times followed by a Q & A with a live person. The podcast and Q & A would be recorded and put on the website. The orientation dates were NOT established. Marti and Sue believe that an orientation video (by Peggy?) would be posted on the website by early September for viewing any time. In early and mid-September, there will be two "live" Q&A sessions (by whom?). Potential members would contact Membership (Betty) to get the Zoom log-in information.
It was decided that people wanting to "attend" the orientation will need to make a reservation so the link can be sent to that individual. Kathy will ascertain how this can be done via technology. Prospective members could also sign up on the website for both the orientation and membership application. The website will be listed in the PCC catalog.
Donald will send the information to Paul Buchman, the webmaster, to put this on the website.
Curriculum Committee: Kathy has volunteered to chair the committee and David Gaynon has volunteered to help, though not to co-chair.
Trial Zoom Classes: Donald and Duane will each do a class in August to a select group, such as the DVD class members, to become comfortable with the program. After the presentation, the members will be asked for suggestions, changes or additions. Paul Hagner said he has a canned presentation that he's used as a test. These classes don't need to be the usual two hours.
Update to Members: Duane suggested that a hard copy of the plans for the fall term be sent to members that will explain Zoom and how they can learn how it's used. Included would be information that Zoom can be accessed by telephone if a member doesn't use a computer. Duane will draft the letter/bulletin.
Class Schedule/Information: For the fall term, class schedules and information will be online to the entire membership in lieu of the hard copy that Duane has put together in the past.
Class days and times will remain the same as in the past: 10:00-Noon and 1:00-3:00 pm.
Zoom Training: If we cannot be included in training provided by PCC, Kathy and JJ Jackson will train three qualified trainers on the use of Zoom.
The following are the items to accomplished (persons have not yet been designated to complete these tasks):
1. Set up a spread sheet of volunteers.
2. Training schedule for the volunteers.
3. Contact the current Zoom hosts to ask for volunteers to host or offer tech support.
4. Duane to draft a short and to-the-point, clear and easy-to-read hard copy letter on what is being planned for the fall.
5. Kathy to put together the curriculum for fall.
6. Get a team leader to keep everyone informed via a communications system that's quick and easy to read.
7. Set up a training schedule.
8. Create a blurb announcing the orientation for the PCC catalog by July 14. Marti, Sue and Peggy.
Next meeting - July 24, 2020 - 9:am
Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
July 10, 2020
Members Present: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; David Gaynon, Member at Large; Jim Gradoville, Member at Large; Paul Hagner, Member at Large; Kathy Jackson, Member at Large; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; Duane Ray, Publications Chair; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; LD Smith, Facilities Chair; Donald Steury, Chair; Marti Summer, Member at Large; Betty Woods, Membership Chair
Members Absent: Paul Buchman, Web Master; Donna Jackson, Past Chair, Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
Treasurer's Report: Sue said there have been no changes since the last report.
Membership Report: Betty stated the only change from the last report on June 12 was the addition of one member, for a total of 349
The meeting was a continuation of the plans for the fall term via Zoom.
PCC/Zoom Account: Donald made contact with Neal Neagus, the SSI PCC liaison, about PCC allowing SSI to be under the PCC Zoom account. In addition to a cost saving, there should be more security. Donald will let the Board know when he hears from Neal.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul reported that 11 people participated in the most recent class. He hosted the class on a temporary basis and said that there has been a volunteer to learn to be the tech support for the class. However, a permanent host is still needed.
Volunteer Report: So far, 17 people have volunteered to host a class, while 27 have volunteered to be presenters. However, there is a need to recruit more people to host and be tech supports.
Current hosts need to ask for more volunteers. A host and tech support person are needed for each class with the exception of Lake Oswego Current Events that also needs a moderator.
Gail Lissauer is hosting Metro Current Events, Trina Gaynon is hosting Poetry Reading and Pat Opdyke is hosting Play Reading. Pat reported that Play Reading will be every other week rather than weekly due to difficulty getting scripts out to participants. A permanent host for Lake Oswego is still needed. However, Paul Hagner stated he would like to share the hosting responsibilities with at least one other person.
Warren and Kathy will submit a list of those who have volunteered, or expressed an interest in volunteering, to Marti so a personalized newsletter can be sent to each. Sue suggested a follow up to those people with a phone call Jim has volunteer to make those calls. Duane will ask the Metro Current Events group if anyone would be willing to host, though not have to present a class.
Host/Tech Support Presentation: After defining the task requirements, it was suggested a presentation be made via Zoom to potential hosts and tech support people on what the jobs entail. No one volunteered to put together the presentation.
Engagement Update: Marti met with Peggy Keonjian, the former engagement chair, and received a large file on the publication contacts and other information. Marti hasn't had a chance to go through the file. Peggy had to step down from SSI due to significant physical challenges after a surgery. However, Marti felt Peggy might be interested in resuming her position as chair if she had some help. Connie volunteered to transport Peggy to meetings until Peggy is able to drive. Connie also agreed to help Peggy with Engagement duties.
New Member Orientation: As discussed at the last meeting, the New Member Orientation will have to be done virtually. The publication that attracts the most new members is the PCC Fall Catalog. The information needs to be submitted to PCC by July 14. Marti has this blurb ready to send to PCC, but was waiting for possible updates from the Board meeting. Warren will work with Peggy and Connie to get the information on the website and notifications to area community newspapers as soon as possible. The Engagement Chair will be responsible for setting up the orientation.
After lengthy discussion, it was decided that the orientation needs to occur twice because of the Zoom limitation on the number of participants. A recorded presentation, or podcast, possibly done by Peggy, could be shown both times followed by a Q & A with a live person. The podcast and Q & A would be recorded and put on the website. The orientation dates were NOT established. Marti and Sue believe that an orientation video (by Peggy?) would be posted on the website by early September for viewing any time. In early and mid-September, there will be two "live" Q&A sessions (by whom?). Potential members would contact Membership (Betty) to get the Zoom log-in information.
It was decided that people wanting to "attend" the orientation will need to make a reservation so the link can be sent to that individual. Kathy will ascertain how this can be done via technology. Prospective members could also sign up on the website for both the orientation and membership application. The website will be listed in the PCC catalog.
Donald will send the information to Paul Buchman, the webmaster, to put this on the website.
Curriculum Committee: Kathy has volunteered to chair the committee and David Gaynon has volunteered to help, though not to co-chair.
Trial Zoom Classes: Donald and Duane will each do a class in August to a select group, such as the DVD class members, to become comfortable with the program. After the presentation, the members will be asked for suggestions, changes or additions. Paul Hagner said he has a canned presentation that he's used as a test. These classes don't need to be the usual two hours.
Update to Members: Duane suggested that a hard copy of the plans for the fall term be sent to members that will explain Zoom and how they can learn how it's used. Included would be information that Zoom can be accessed by telephone if a member doesn't use a computer. Duane will draft the letter/bulletin.
Class Schedule/Information: For the fall term, class schedules and information will be online to the entire membership in lieu of the hard copy that Duane has put together in the past.
Class days and times will remain the same as in the past: 10:00-Noon and 1:00-3:00 pm.
Zoom Training: If we cannot be included in training provided by PCC, Kathy and JJ Jackson will train three qualified trainers on the use of Zoom.
The following are the items to accomplished (persons have not yet been designated to complete these tasks):
1. Set up a spread sheet of volunteers.
2. Training schedule for the volunteers.
3. Contact the current Zoom hosts to ask for volunteers to host or offer tech support.
4. Duane to draft a short and to-the-point, clear and easy-to-read hard copy letter on what is being planned for the fall.
5. Kathy to put together the curriculum for fall.
6. Get a team leader to keep everyone informed via a communications system that's quick and easy to read.
7. Set up a training schedule.
8. Create a blurb announcing the orientation for the PCC catalog by July 14. Marti, Sue and Peggy.
Next meeting - July 24, 2020 - 9:am