Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
July 24, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chair; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; LD Smith, Facilities Chair; Betty Woods, Membership; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; David Gaynon, Jim Gradoville, Paul Hagner, Kathy Jackson, Marti Summer, Members at Large
Others Present: Kathy Bambeck
Members Absent: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Paul Buchman, Webmaster; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
9:00 a.m. - Chair Donald Steury called the meeting to order to further discuss the plans and progress for having all classes on Zoom for the fall term.
Membership Report: Betty reported she had received word that Lifetime Member Gil McGair passed on Sunday, July 19. That reduces the membership to a total of 348 (Lifetime - 10, Continuous - 277, New - 61).
Membership Renewal: There will be a short article in the next newsletter for members to look for their renewal application in the mail. Betty will work with Paul Buchman, webmaster, to put renewal information on the website. Payment can be done by check or credit card.
Renewal letters will be mailed in August along with the announcement that the classes will be all on Zoom and that links to classes will be listed in each week's newsletter.
Name Tags: Even though there will be no in-person classes in the fall, name tags will still be issued upon receipt of dues in the event in-person classes can be resumed in winter and/or spring 2021.
Treasurer's Report: Sue reported the only change has been a rebate of $198 from the Elsie Stuhr Center for prepaid rent.
Fall Schedule Report: Kathy reported it's still a work in progress.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul reported there have been about 11 participants. He will have Marti put the Zoom link in the weekly newsletter. Paul is alternating hosting duties with another member.
Zoom Training for Hosting and Tech Support: Kathy reported that eight (8) people attended the training. Several people who had volunteered were unavailable and will attend a future training session, though the number of volunteers is unknown. JJ Jackson has prepared an online presentation and tutorial.
There's a need for back-up hosts and tech support people for all classes. Also, a date for a Zoom test session for the hosts and tech support people needs to be set. Warren will work with Kathy to get the test session implemented as well as getting and training more volunteers.
Warren will prepare a spread sheet on the progress of the Zoom training, and what needs to be done. He will also work with Kathy on getting class presenters.
Zoom Etiquette: It was suggested that a list of Zoom etiquette protocols be placed on the website. No one volunteered to write it.
Zoom Under PCC Account: Donald has been in touch with Neal Naigus, the SS/PCC liaison, to confirm that SSI can be under the PCC umbrella for Zoom. However, PCC requires the names, addresses, phone numbers and ages of all hosts, all of whom must sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The latter raised questions about the reason for an NDA. Sue asked Donald to request that we receive a copy of the NDA so every host would understand what it entails. Donald volunteered to be the point person to deal with PCC, and to submit the hosts personal information to Neal.
Donald will also ask Neal if it will be necessary for all class participants to register with PCC. Warren volunteered to work with Donald on all the PCC interactions/communications
Access to a Zoom Classes: There was discussion about how members would access classes each week and if registration for each class was necessary. It was decided that the links to each class would be in the weekly newsletter to all members . Registration per would not be necessary.
Besides the 18 members who don't have a computer, Marti reported that 5 or 10 people have opted out of receiving the newsletter. Also, she said that half the membership doesn't open the newsletters.
Classes for Members Without a Computer: There are approximately 18 members who don't have computer access. It was suggested that an item in the newsletter ask for volunteers with a computer to invite those without to come to their house for the class. Nurse Marti brought up the issue of health during this COVID pandemic. It would be at the discretion of both parties to wear a mask.
Another option for non computer users is to access the class by telephone. Of course, this would be audio only.
Introducing Members to Zoom: Warren offered to host several short sessions on a given day to introduce and engage members to Zoom. it would include a 20-30-minute video and discussion. No date was determined. A notice would be placed in the newsletter.
Zoom Committee: Jim Gradoville, Kathy Jackson, Warren Karmol, Donald Steury and Marti Summer
Zoom Cost Reimbursement: If a member has paid for Zoom access, SSI will reimburse.
New Member Orientation Video on Website: As discussed at previous meetings, in lieu of the annual New Member Orientation/Welcome event, a welcome video on the website had been proposed. This needs to be on the website by August 17.
Next Meeting: August 7 at 9:a.m, followed by a meeting of the Zoom Committee.
10:20 a.m. - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Raz
Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
July 24, 2020
Members Present: Donald Steury, Chair; Sue Bowers, Treasurer; Warren Karmol, Chair Elect; LD Smith, Facilities Chair; Betty Woods, Membership; Duane Ray, Publications; Carolyn Raz, Secretary; David Gaynon, Jim Gradoville, Paul Hagner, Kathy Jackson, Marti Summer, Members at Large
Others Present: Kathy Bambeck
Members Absent: Connie Angelucci, Member at Large; Paul Buchman, Webmaster; Donna Jackson, Immediate Past Chair; Sharon Nelson, Member at Large
9:00 a.m. - Chair Donald Steury called the meeting to order to further discuss the plans and progress for having all classes on Zoom for the fall term.
Membership Report: Betty reported she had received word that Lifetime Member Gil McGair passed on Sunday, July 19. That reduces the membership to a total of 348 (Lifetime - 10, Continuous - 277, New - 61).
Membership Renewal: There will be a short article in the next newsletter for members to look for their renewal application in the mail. Betty will work with Paul Buchman, webmaster, to put renewal information on the website. Payment can be done by check or credit card.
Renewal letters will be mailed in August along with the announcement that the classes will be all on Zoom and that links to classes will be listed in each week's newsletter.
Name Tags: Even though there will be no in-person classes in the fall, name tags will still be issued upon receipt of dues in the event in-person classes can be resumed in winter and/or spring 2021.
Treasurer's Report: Sue reported the only change has been a rebate of $198 from the Elsie Stuhr Center for prepaid rent.
Fall Schedule Report: Kathy reported it's still a work in progress.
Lake Oswego Current Events: Paul reported there have been about 11 participants. He will have Marti put the Zoom link in the weekly newsletter. Paul is alternating hosting duties with another member.
Zoom Training for Hosting and Tech Support: Kathy reported that eight (8) people attended the training. Several people who had volunteered were unavailable and will attend a future training session, though the number of volunteers is unknown. JJ Jackson has prepared an online presentation and tutorial.
There's a need for back-up hosts and tech support people for all classes. Also, a date for a Zoom test session for the hosts and tech support people needs to be set. Warren will work with Kathy to get the test session implemented as well as getting and training more volunteers.
Warren will prepare a spread sheet on the progress of the Zoom training, and what needs to be done. He will also work with Kathy on getting class presenters.
Zoom Etiquette: It was suggested that a list of Zoom etiquette protocols be placed on the website. No one volunteered to write it.
Zoom Under PCC Account: Donald has been in touch with Neal Naigus, the SS/PCC liaison, to confirm that SSI can be under the PCC umbrella for Zoom. However, PCC requires the names, addresses, phone numbers and ages of all hosts, all of whom must sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The latter raised questions about the reason for an NDA. Sue asked Donald to request that we receive a copy of the NDA so every host would understand what it entails. Donald volunteered to be the point person to deal with PCC, and to submit the hosts personal information to Neal.
Donald will also ask Neal if it will be necessary for all class participants to register with PCC. Warren volunteered to work with Donald on all the PCC interactions/communications
Access to a Zoom Classes: There was discussion about how members would access classes each week and if registration for each class was necessary. It was decided that the links to each class would be in the weekly newsletter to all members . Registration per would not be necessary.
Besides the 18 members who don't have a computer, Marti reported that 5 or 10 people have opted out of receiving the newsletter. Also, she said that half the membership doesn't open the newsletters.
Classes for Members Without a Computer: There are approximately 18 members who don't have computer access. It was suggested that an item in the newsletter ask for volunteers with a computer to invite those without to come to their house for the class. Nurse Marti brought up the issue of health during this COVID pandemic. It would be at the discretion of both parties to wear a mask.
Another option for non computer users is to access the class by telephone. Of course, this would be audio only.
Introducing Members to Zoom: Warren offered to host several short sessions on a given day to introduce and engage members to Zoom. it would include a 20-30-minute video and discussion. No date was determined. A notice would be placed in the newsletter.
Zoom Committee: Jim Gradoville, Kathy Jackson, Warren Karmol, Donald Steury and Marti Summer
Zoom Cost Reimbursement: If a member has paid for Zoom access, SSI will reimburse.
New Member Orientation Video on Website: As discussed at previous meetings, in lieu of the annual New Member Orientation/Welcome event, a welcome video on the website had been proposed. This needs to be on the website by August 17.
Next Meeting: August 7 at 9:a.m, followed by a meeting of the Zoom Committee.
10:20 a.m. - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Raz